This is your Project Page. It's a great opportunity to for us to demonstrate openning God's love for all of -humanity. If you have any questions please contact -the Church office at 217-367-8384.
During November and December, we are designating the “Noisy Offering” donations for Eastern Illinois Food Bank. After struggling for months to make ends meet due to higher inflation and skyrocketing food prices, a holiday meal or stocked cupboard is not in the budget for so very many families. For countless people in our community hunger is a daily reality. As demand keeps increasing the Eastern Illinois Food Bank needs our help to ensure children, families and seniors have enough to eat. Every $1 given provides food for 3 meals; $10 provides food for 30 meals; $20 provides food for 60 meals and $50 provides enough food for 150 meals. Click here
Thanksgiving Baskets
We will also touch families in our community through the distribution of Thanksgiving Baskets. Your donations of non-perishable food items and money will provide healthy and bountiful meals for families connected with our church. If you know a family in need who could benefit from a Thanksgiving Basket, please share their information with me or Suellen Fink.
Love Tree
As we look ahead to Christmas, we will put up the Love Tree and provide hats, gloves, and socks for people in the Yankee Ridge Elementary School. Love Tree gifts benefit children and families trying to meet the basic needs of their children in our own community, and other young people connected with our church. We will take the gifts received from the Love Tree area on the last Sunday in November. This event is being sponsored by our United Women in faith.
Urbana First is excited to continue in the Operation Christmas Child Ministry this Christmas season! Operation Christmas Child delivers great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in need around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. Each box packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible expression of God's immense love for the child. For many, it is their first gift ever! Delivered by our local church partners, shoebox gifts provide an opportunity to present the Gospel to boys and girls in a clear, child-friendly way. Shoe boxes and more information will be located at the back of the Sanctuary.
All Church Clean Up
November 20 – @ 5:00 p.m. - We will be doing cleaning and minor repairs around the entire Church. Time: 8:00 am – 10:00 am. Bring your cleaning supplies and gloves. Click Here
Every October We take time to through Mid-West Distribution Center to put together School Kits for children who have experienced a crises.
These Rice Meals not only meet hunger needs, but meet nutritional needs to provide lasting energy. At Urbana First church seeks to be a mans of Grace for people to be fed.